I believe that in most cases, the Dad has the easiest job. Even though many are present in the kids' lives, they are still only 1/2 way there. Mothers are expected to get up in the AM for the bus, have breakfast already thought of, lunch bought, made or on the way, and supper already in the works several days before it happens.
We are the ones that everyone contacts about the kids when they are in trouble, when they are hurting or need help with their homework.
When is dad called on? To coach ball team, if he wants, take the son to boy scouts, if he can...
Men's rolls always seem conditional, where a woman is the one who is called on and expected to be the parent.
When a man needs a break, he can get up and go, when a woman needs a break, she has to hire a baby sitter or beg parents to take the kids for the day.
When a marriage is over, most men assume the kids are going to stay with mom and that is that... then when they are tired of being dads, they just quit coming around, quit calling, they can decide when not to come around to see the kids or choose not to come on his designated weekend just because it is inconvenient. But if you need him to switch weekends or take them on an extra day, it is like you have asked them to stop their entire world to commit murder.
Then it is the mom who has to wipe the tears when daddy doesn't show up for their sports game, concert or birthday party. And you are the one that can't make the hurt go away when Daddy has let them down again. It is the Mommy that cries herself to sleep at night because you can't keep your beautiful child from the pain and hurt they are going through.
And it is Daddy they hold on the pedestal and think of as perfect when mommy has to come down on them, or tell them no.
I don't know, who am I, who do you think has the harder job?
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